![]() ![]() Dynamic font with a retro feeling intended for headers, titles and decorative parts of text. Version history 0.28 2021-01-23+ AaIiOoUu+caron 0.26 2020-08-19 * cleanup * section quotes + PANOSE * margins: Ycircumflex Ydieresis 0.25 2020-08-18 * partial cleanup 0.24 2020-08-18 + pound lira Eng eng paragraph logicalnot napostrophe + registered eth quotes daggers * H * margins: longs 0.23 2020-08-17 + No minus plusminus mu divide perthousand fractions + +commabelow * caron circumflex breve +breve ordmas ordfem * margins: J* 9 * kerning: pseudocaron+tall * script: fractions 0.22 2020-08-14 + +breve (temporary) kgreenlandic * 3 B (C) * all margins: 0 +50 * margins: Y T t 0.21 2018-03-06 * 8 (c) + yen bullet ordmas ordfem 0.20 2018-03-05 * 1 3 4 8 v w V W * minor fixes (intersections, etc.) 0.19 2018-01-10 + #*^{} brokenbar Dcroat 0.18 2017-09-21 + +macron Lslash lslash @ <> cent * +cedilla * margins: L 0.17 2017-09-20 * () 0.16 2017-09-20 + []()-=& Ldot ldot ae + +ogonek +hungarumlaut cedilla * B 0.15 2017-09-19 * /\ F M N V W X Y f k v w x z 0 5 * margins: ACEFGHIMNOPSUVWXYZ -10 + ! 3 4 longs germandbl 0.14 2017-09-06 + script for class kerning + kerning: *, *. dcaron+k t+t * all long lines are thinner + 5 / \ Oslash oslash * tweaks: A B E H N X s 0.13 2017-09-05 + Jcirc jcirc Utilde utilde Ydieresis TM 0.12 2017-09-05 + A-Z * a-z + 0 1 2 6 7 8 9 + basic diacritic marks 0.11 2017-09-04 + I c h . , * p 0.10 2017-09-04 + a d b p 0.00 2017-09-04 + rough draft a-z (eof) |
0.28 (2021-01-23) 2017-2021 En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr ![]() Free for personal and non-commercial use Commercial license for the whole font family 12 euro Font family members: Granténa RegularGranténa Bold Granténa Wide |
© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024