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It started as a pixel font with a twist (a missing upper-right corner) but it became a bit more complicated.

Version history

0.15 2017-07-17
+ AEIOU+caron LJ NJ HT+bar AO+dot GKLNST+commabelow
+ daggers lira franc ordmas ordfem no
* registered pound T
* fixed margins: i+... l+...
+ ligatures: TT tt 1/2 1/4 3/4
+ kerning: LT LY TJ (24 pairs total)
* merge and clean up
* panose

0.14 2017-07-14
+ * 1234-sup mu paragraph multiply pound yen guillemots
+ breve+... Oslash Lslash
* -

0.13 2017-07-12
+ 0-9 #$@&-=+_ {|}/\ (c) (R) TM AE OE
+ caron+... circumflex+... ogonek+... cedilla+...
* .,:;?! ()

0.12 2017-07-11
+ ()[] quotes '",.:;?!

0.11 2017-07-11
+ acute+... grave+... dot+... dieresis+... ring+...
* S Z

0.10 2017-07-11
+ basic character set A-Z

0.15 (2017-07-17)


En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Tr



© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024