Vít Čondák - fonts

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TrueType (TTF) and OpenType (OTF) fonts on this page are my own work and they all are available for download, but you may not modify them or sell them without my permission so please don't do it!

The site contains 67 fonts and each of them uses one of these three kinds of licenses:




However if you miss some special character or something does not "feel right" don't hesitate to contact me. All fonts are considered "in progress" and all found inconsistencies or errors are being fixed.

Vít Čondák

Emailgunnypost.cz PayPalgunnypost.cz
FacebookGunny Handwriting Fonts Blogpostcrap
Email 2vitcondak.cz

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> NameLanguagesVersionUpdated
0.18 2016-02-29
Free En Cz Sk De Fr Pl
0.17 2016-02-18
Free En Cz Sk De Fr Pl
0.17 2015-02-17
Free En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Gr
0.18 2015-03-28
Free En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Gr
0.30 2018-08-29
Commercial En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr Ru Kz Gr
0.30 2018-08-29
Commercial En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr Ru Kz Gr
0.30 2018-08-29
Commercial En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr Ru Kz Gr
0.31 2018-11-05
Commercial En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr Ru Kz Gr
0.14 2014-02-22
Commercial En Cz Sk De Fr Pl Gr
0.20 2014-11-12
Unavailable En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Gr Ru
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© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024