Typewriter Chevron Deluxe

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Typewriter Chevron Deluxe

Digitalizované písmo české verze psacího stroje Chevron Deluxe.

Záměrně jsem zachoval téměř všechny nedokonalosti, které jsou způsobeny textilní páskou a různou silou úderu. Font obsahuje všechny původní znaky a navíc jsem ve stejném stylu vytvořil chybějící znaky ze základní ASCII sady.

Historie verzí

0.20 2016-09-26
* fixed position of germandbls
+ AaOodotaccent

0.19 2016-09-23
* fixed ccaron ecaron rcaron scaron uring
* all directions are fixed
* revised diacritic marks positions
* GgKkLlNnRrSsTt+commabelow

0.18 2016-09-22
* fixed @ l degree thorn yacute
* fixed uppercase tilde positions
* 7 incorrect/unknown directions remains

0.17 2016-06-30
* fixed intersecs to udieresis
* 10 incorrect/unknown directions remains

0.16 2016-06-06
* fixed intersecs to dbls
* 16 incorrect/unknown directions remains

0.14 2016-05-31
* fixed intersecs to v
* 27 incorrect/unknown directions remains

0.13 2016-05-25
* fixed intersecs to o
* 33 incorrect/unknown directions remains

0.12 2016-05-24
* fixed intersecs to U

0.11 2016-05-23
* fixed intersecs: 3-9 <>

0.10 2016-02-03
+ HhTt+bar IJ ij
* fixed intersecs: !%"&()*-./ 012 BCDIJT acijkt

0.09 2016-02-02
+ AEIOU+breve HhJj+circ kgreen Ii+ogonek Tt+comma

0.08 2016-02-01
* optimized: E O e o
+ OE oe AEIOU+macron IiUu+tilde Dd-croat Ww+circ

0.07 2015-04-30
+ * AE Thorn thorn eth daggers
+ GgYy+circumflex
* &

0.06 2015-04-27
+ #&@<> multiply guillemots section
+ tilde+...

0.05 2015-04-26
+ []|(){} (C) ss
* ogonek+...

0.04 2015-04-25
* A
+ grave+... circumflex+...

0.03 2015-04-24
* all basic letters are separated

0.02 2015-04-23
* separated caps

0.01 2015-04-22
+ imported scanned letters

0.20 (2016-09-26)


En Cz Sk Pl Fr De



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