
Zpět na přehled fontů

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Další pokus o font pro lettering komiksů.

Historie verzí

0.29 2020-07-29
* currency yen brokenbar section (C) (R) ordfem ordmas logicalnot
* plusminus 1sup 2sup 3sup cedilla guillemots multiply Eth
* emdash endash fraction No OE lessequal greaterequal
+ Adotaccent

0.28 2020-07-28
* O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
* AE cent Pound Franc Lira Euro mu paragraph germandbls Xi
* grave circumflex macron breve ring tilde integral foursup

0.27 2020-07-27
* E F G H I J K L M N

0.26 2019-11-22
* C D

0.25 2019-11-06
* 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B tt longs

0.24 2019-10-25
* 5 6 7

0.23 2019-10-18
* 2 3 4

0.22 2019-10-08
* # $ % & ( ) * + , - / Thorn daggers Lslash

0.21 2019-09-23
* fixed all overlapping curves

0.20 2019-09-23
* 0 1 M N R V W OE TT
+ kerning: FR
* 25 glyphs need fixing

0.19 2019-09-20
+ guillemots hungarumlaut+... integral longs approx
+ Oogonek Kcaron Ngrave AEacute Oslashacute Odot Ymacron
* 2 OE quotes
+ kerning: U., V., W., Y.,

0.18 2019-09-19
+ permille asciitilde asciicircum
+ ...+commabelow
* " ' ! ? . 0-9 B F J Z Euro germandbls
* margin: B L N
* 43 glyphs need fixing

0.16 2019-09-18
* all margins increased by 20
* 56 glyphs need fixing

0.15 2019-09-18
+ kerning: TA TC TG TT CT GA LT LY
+ ligatures: TT

0.14 2019-09-18
* C E F G H I K L M N P R S V X Z . , : ;

0.13 2019-09-17
* fixed wrong directions

0.12 2019-09-17
* fixed positions and margins
+ most Latin characters with diacritic marks

0.11 2019-09-16
* separated diacritic marks
* all letters are in place

0.10 2019-09-15
* separated A-Z

0.01 2019-09-14
+ sketched


0.29 (2020-07-29)


En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr


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Rodina písma:

Superbloke Regular
Superbloke Bold
Superbloke Thin

© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024