Gunny Handwriting

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Gunny Handwriting

Please don't use this font unless you have a special reason for that. It was replaced by Gunny Rewritten.

That's how I really write when I try to make it at least a little bit readable. Originally I made this font just for myself because writing with mouse was annoying, but soon I realized that there are really few situations when it is appropriate to use it and that I don't even like some of the characters. However the rest of the world use it - much more often than I would expect.

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Version history

0.952 2013-06-13
+ ...circumflex
* overlapping curves
* many minor fixes
* fixed missing ligatures
* fixed kerning P...
* fixed line width (l, t, w, a, d, P, ...)

0.95 2003-08-16
+ oslash, euro
* t

+ a-udieresis


0.952 (2013-06-13)


En Cz Sk



Font family members:

Gunny Handwriting
Gunny Rewritten

© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024