Quality of Life

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Quality of Life

Rukopisné písmo odvozené z fontu Kvantita.

Historie verzí

0.26 2015-02-12
* all margins +20
* modified margins: i
* modified kerning: V+ T+
* tweaked: C
+ AaIiOoUuGgKk+caron Gg+acute SsTt+comma

0.25 2015-02-03
* 2356789 @% {} MST Hbar Ttbar
* fixed many positions of diacritic marks
+ Oodotaccent

0.24 2015-01-29
* ;]^~| JS bdfhjkpvw mu section paragraph thorn
* fixed acutes' positions

0.23 2015-01-27
* O ií... _@ oslash cent yen (C)
* dieresis breve macron

0.22 2015-01-20
* FJKLMUY ginqstu thorn Llslash

0.21 2015-01-19
* ,.#()\ 34678 DEFHMNVX dmn

0.20 2015-01-08
* ,.:"!? 0129 ABDGIMOW acejlortuz lslash
* kerning: V+ ťk ďk

0.19 2015-01-07
* warped all letters
* L b f r t y

0.18 2014-12-02
* minor tweaks: BCDFGLMOPTVWX []
+ Aadot Ooogonek Eecedilla Aringacute

0.17 2014-11-30
* BG ů <>

0.15 2014-11-17
* b d g u y z section B P Thorn
* 0123456789
* heigh: ADEFL hkt
+ cent currency yen brokenbar germandbls
+ (C) (R) {} pound
+ commabelow+... caron+... macron+... ring+...
+ kerning: V+ W+ T+

0.14 2014-11-16
+ acute+... breve+... circ+...
+ Euro

0.13 2014-11-16
+ basic ASCII set

0.26 (2015-02-12)


En Cz Sk Pl Fr De


Zdarma pro soukromé a nekomerční účely

Komerční licence pro celou rodinu písma 300 Kč

Rodina písma:

Quality of Life

© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024