Tincushion Light

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Tincushion Light

This was an attempt to finally make a serious font.

It did not make it to any newspaper yet, but I was told it was used for a logo of a Polish hotel.

Since 2014 it includes even Greek letters and Cyrillic.

I also created Light version in 2015.

Version history

0.987 2015-09-18
* modified: multiply ordmas ordfem
* fixed margins: questiondown rcomma
* fixed margins: tonos+... tau
* fixed diacritic: GgWwYy-circumflex Gcomma racute
+ infinity

0.986 2015-09-14
* modified: VvWv ,:;<>= divide elipsis quotes
* modified: Lambda Delta delta onehalf
+ lessequal greaterequal onequarter threequarters noteq
* fixed kerning (it was disabled in some applications)
+ kerning: L+O... // \\
* kerning: 257 pairs total
* cleanup

0.984 2015-09-11
* light: tilde yen guillemots cedilla multiply dieresis (C) (R)
* light: W Ooslash germandbls thorn longs florin Aaringacute
* light: all Greek, all Cyrillic

0.983 2015-09-10
* light: !@#$%&*+./\ 0345689 {}
* light: CEFKRX ijklmsx
* light: AE OE ae oe
* light: acute grave dotcenter pound beta eta kappa

0.982 2015-04-12
* light: CG fg

0.981 2015-03-30
* light: a-z 12378

0.98+ 2015-03-28
* based on Tincusion Regular
* light: A-Z bco

0.987 (2015-09-18)


En Cz Sk De Fr Pl Gr Ru


Free for personal and non-commercial use

Commercial license for the whole font family 12 euro

Font family members:

Tincushion Regular
Tincushion Light

© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024