![]() ![]() Yet another font of mine inspired by the book Mládeži by Mikoláš Aleš (1852 – 1913). Its cover was designed by Milan Hegar and he tried to imitate Aleš's ornamental upper case letters from the original 1910s magazines. Now I tried to imitate their combined effort. =) If you look closely at the letters you will see they are rather crude. That's because I started with the scans of the few original letters and the style transfered to the new letters too. I'd like to polish it someday and expand the font a bit more but such fine-tuning is almost invisible and it takes quite lot of time and work so don't get too excited. ;) Version history 0.18 2016-02-29* I K N 0.17 2016-02-18 * O R S T U X Y 0.16 2016-02-17 * & 7 I R * fixed table of supported code pages 0.14 2016-02-11 + quotes Hbar Tbar daggers * acute circumflex tilde 0.13 2016-02-10 + <> {} KLNRT+commabelow Lslash OU+umlaut 0.12 2016-02-09 * 7 cedilla @ GHJWY+circ Euro + AE * + Itilde Ldot dbls Eth guillemots + AEIOU+macron AEIOU+breve 0.11 2016-02-08 * 2 3 4 5 7 W Z + @ | AEO+ogonek Utilde bullet degree OE 0.10 2016-02-05 * & 3 6 8 + ~ AON+tilde 0.09 2016-02-04 * & 6 9 0.08 2016-01-27 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? Thorn $ % * Oslash P 0.07 2016-01-25 + ( ) 0 Euro * . , ! * & - zúženo * E - zkrácena horní příčka * P - větši dutina v obloučku * S - napojena dolní mašle, celé vyhlazeno * T - zrušena horní kudrlinka, upraveno prohnutí směrem doprava * X - kratší patky, hladší mašle * Z - spodní kudrlinka výš 0.06 2016-01-22 * P větší dutina v obloučku * E zkrátit horní příčku * T- zrušit horní kudrlinku * X kratší patky 0.00 2016-01-20 * first rough conversion |
0.18 (2016-02-29) 2016 En Cz Sk De Fr Pl |
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