![]() ![]() Yet another font of mine inspired by the book Mládeži by Mikoláš Aleš (1852 – 1913). Its cover was designed by Milan Hegar and he tried to imitate Aleš's ornamental upper case letters from the original 1910s magazines. This is a simplified version with just bare characters and no curly ribbons around them that were part of the original draft. If you look closely at the letters you will see they are rather crude. That's because I started with the scans of the few original letters and the style transfered to the new letters too. I'd like to polish it someday and expand the font a bit more but such fine-tuning is almost invisible and it takes quite lot of time and work so don't get too excited. ;) Version history 0.17 2016-02-18* O R T U X Y 0.16 2016-02-17 * & 7 I ť * fixed table of supported code pages * fixed posions of various diacritical marks 0.15 2016-02-12 * Stripped version 0.14 2016-02-11 + quotes Hbar Tbar daggers * acute circumflex tilde 0.13 2016-02-10 + <> {} KLNRT+commabelow Lslash OU+umlaut 0.12 2016-02-09 * 7 cedilla @ GHJWY+circ Euro + AE * + Itilde Ldot dbls Eth guillemots + AEIOU+macron AEIOU+breve 0.11 2016-02-08 * 2 3 4 5 7 W Z + @ | AEO+ogonek Utilde bullet degree OE 0.10 2016-02-05 * & 3 6 8 + ~ AON+tilde 0.09 2016-02-04 * & 6 9 0.08 2016-01-27 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? Thorn $ % * Oslash P 0.07 2016-01-25 + ( ) 0 Euro * . , ! * & - zúženo * E - zkrácena horní příčka * P - větši dutina v obloučku * S - napojena dolní mašle, celé vyhlazeno * T - zrušena horní kudrlinka, upraveno prohnutí směrem doprava * X - kratší patky, hladší mašle * Z - spodní kudrlinka výš 0.06 2016-01-22 * P - bigger * E zkrátit horní příčku * T- zrušit horní kudrlinku * X - shorter serifs 0.00 2016-01-20 * first rough conversion |
0.17 (2016-02-18) 2016 En Cz Sk De Fr Pl |
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