Bublina the Mongrel

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Bublina the Mongrel

This font started as an italic version of my font Bublina the Dog for VileMonarch.com. However during the tweaking it became so different from the original that it became a new font.

Version history

0.31 2018-11-05
* finished initial public version

0.30 2018-10-29
* italic version derived from Bublina the Dog Black


0.31 (2018-11-05)


En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Es Tr Ru Kz Gr


Free for personal and non-commercial use

Commercial license for the whole font family 12 euro

Font family members:

Bublina the Dog Regular
Bublina the Dog Bold
Bublina the Dog Black
Bublina the Mongrel

© Vít Čondák / Gunny 2000-2024